How Assistive Technology Helps Me as an Adult With a Learning Disability iep learning disability

I use to carry a lot of shame about my learning disability (LD) I was ashamed that I was different and I even felt I was not as smart as other kids and even adults due to my LD. I carried this with me for way too long!  I now realize I do not need to feel ashamed of my disability; it is part...

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So Long Exclusion, Hello Inclusion inclusion

Exclusion has been the norm for far too long! I don’t think it’s been on purpose rather a lack of understanding of what needs to change to make inclusion possible. Exclusion is a by-product of not having communities and schools that are truly accessible for all. When we design a new...

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Four Ways to Build a Strong IEP TEAM iep tips & tricks

I want to go straight to an important point, parents or guardians you are an equal member of the IEP team. As a parent, I did not understand that or my role in the IEP team. When I understood this, my role in my daughter’s IEP team changed. I understood what I need to do as a parent. Things...

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I Thought I Had Done all the Hard Stuff real life

I found out my baby might be born with some additional needs, man that was hard.

I sat there as a doctor delivered the news of a diagnosis, my heart broke and I thought can I do this? Can I be the mom she needs? In 2009 we almost lost our house, money was tight and I wanted to throw in the towel...

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Seven Tips to Organize the Individual Education Program (IEP) Chaos iep tips & tricks

As a special needs mom, I am not only a mom but a case manager of my child’s medical needs and making sure I am on top of my daughter’s IEP. This can be overwhelming and feel very chaotic. There are seven IEP tips that I developed that can help you lower your stress level and...

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