Is Your Child Regressing After Long School Breaks?

iep safe haven advocacy community Jan 05, 2024

Breaks from school can be a magical time filled with lots of fun, family time, and relaxation. 


But as our children gear up for heading back to school after a holiday break or the summer, it's not uncommon for our little ones to face regression.


Here is how to spot signs of regression in your child and take proactive steps to support them.


  1. Observing Behavioral Changes

The first clue of regression often comes through in their behavior. Is your usually bubbly child suddenly quiet and withdrawn? Pay attention to mood swings, increased frustration, or a sudden reluctance to participate in activities they once enjoyed. These could be subtle indicators of an underlying struggle.


  1. Shifts in Academic Performance

Keep a close eye on your child's academic performance. Is there a sudden decline in grades or an unexpected struggle with assignments? If you notice a significant shift, it's worth investigating further. It might be a sign that the break from school has disrupted their learning rhythm.


  1. Communication Struggles

Watch out for changes in their communication. Has your chatterbox become unusually quiet, or is there a sudden difficulty in expressing their thoughts? Regression can manifest through challenges in articulation and language, so be attentive to any notable shifts.


  1. Resistance to Routine

Kids thrive on routine, and any disruption can impact them. It could be a red flag if your child resists established routines or seems disoriented about daily activities. 


  1. Fatigue and Lack of Focus

The return to school after a break can be mentally exhausting. If your child seems more tired than usual or struggles to maintain focus, it might be a sign that they are finding it challenging to re-engage with the academic demands.


If you notice any of these signs after a break from school—it’s important to address your concerns with the appropriate people on your IEP team so that certain strategies can be put into place to ensure a smoother transition going forward.


First and foremost, create a safe space for your child to share their feelings. Encourage open conversations about school, friends, and any concerns they may have.


Next, make sure to reach out to your child's teachers and special education team. They are there to support your child's success and can provide valuable insights and strategies.


Most importantly, recognize and celebrate your child's achievements, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement goes a long way in boosting their confidence and motivation.

If you're concerned about your child's regression, don't hesitate to seek professional guidance. A conversation with your child's educators or a meeting with the IEP team can provide valuable support and solutions.


Remember, you're not alone in this journey. If you’re looking for IEP support—join the Safe Haven Community. This community is run by me, Courtney Burnett, your IEP bestie. I created this community as a safe place for parents and caregivers to be able to ask questions and guidance on a daily basis. Get your questions answered and find your people! Click here for more information on Safe Haven Community.

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